Control Codes and Escape Sequences

This appendix list control codes and escape sequences that complete implementations of VT102/VT2XX and Tektronix 4014/4105 terminals should interpret and the functions they should initiate. * marks functions that are redundant or not possible on an Atari ST computer, *NI marks other not implemented functions (due to my laziness?), *RI uncomplete implementation of a function, please read the implementation notes for details.

Consult the ASCII table for numeric values of the control codes, <#4414#>Ps<#4414#>, <#4415#>Pn<#4415#>, <#4416#>Pc<#4416#> and <#4417#>Pl<#4417#> denote decimal values ( <#5034#>ESC<#5034#> [10;10f postion cursor at text coordinates (10,10)).

The following control codes and commands, the syntax and the command interfaces as a whole could possibly be patented or/and copyrighted, please consider this list as ``for information only''. Commercial use is strictly forbidden.